5 Mile Bike
Rode 5 slow hybrid miles in the cold at 9.3 mph.
My log of becoming a "triathlete" at age 48, and continuing through age 55.
Road 3 miles on my hybrid in the late afternoon as it was getting dark. 11 mph average. felt good to be back riding.
So I was unable to hold it off. I took off work yesterday, and spent the day in bed. I think I had a fever the night before, but it has passed. I am left with the cough and the phlegm. The result from years past is a likely two week layoff, which may not be a bad thing. I can still stretch and do yoga, and may try to ease in some light bike riding, but the main thing will have to be rest.
I did the P90X hour long stretch. Its a little workout in itself. I think I am losing my battle with the cold. Its not that I feel badly, its that I'm trying to kep the head cold from getting into the chest where it tends to take hold. I am coughing more today.
Did the 30 minute Yoga. Very nice little DVD at the perfect level for a stiff beginner like me. I really hope I become somewhat compulsive about getting into yoga.
Did 30 minutes of gentle yoga. I am holding off on other exercise trying to fight off the onset of a cold.
I consider the off-season November through March
Rode 7 miles at work at 12.5 mph before getting a call.
Road 12.45 miles in a little over an hour at work. I was getting tired when we got a call so I don't know how much longer I would have ridden. I had some slight back muscular pain on the right side. It was fairly cold when I rode so I am not too concerned.
Ran 5.15 miles in 60 minutes.
Rode for ten minutes. I dilly dallied too long so by the time I got out on the bike, it was too cold, the shadows were very bad, cars were driving too crazy and there were to many potholes. Still i got a great idea. I need to develop a regular route that i ride so i can learn all the potholes and hazards and I can judge myself on. Something like a 6 mile route that I can ride several times.
Ran the resovouir late this afternoon, running out two miles, then coming back two miles, then running another half mile to the parking lot. Went 4.5 miles in 49:51.
Bought a yoga DVD and book, very basic at Borders for $7.99. The DVD is a very basic 30 minute yoga thing. I need the basic as I am not very good at it. I will try to learn the routines and practice them every day.
Ran 2 miles on the tread mill this morning. One fast mile at 8:36 pace.
Rode 8 miles at 13.7 mph on a very cold morning. Here are my impressions of the new bike fit.
Rode 20 minutes on the exercise bike, lifted, then rode another ten.
Had my bike fit today. Very happy with it. the entire process took 3 hours. It began with an assessment of my riding history and goals, progressed to a very extensive physical exam of flexibility, and then lots of repositioning on the bike, cycling, being videotaped and computer analyzed. I got a new saddle, had it pushed back, and had my stem raised and the bars moved closer to me. I also had my cleats repositioned on my shoes. I feel much more comfortable and hope I will be more powerful. I will pick the bike up tomorrow. The plan is to ride it for a month or so, and then set up another appointment to fit on areobars. Like I said, I was very happy with the attenton and detail. Hopefully that will translate to improved performance and more comfort. All told I biked about 12 miles on the trainer during the course of the fitting.