Saturday, October 02, 2010

David Vidal Memorial 5K 10-2-2010

Beautiful morning. 60 degrees, no humidity to speak off. Flat course along Iron Horse Boulevard in Simsbury. My goal beat PR of 28:08 and/or run sub 28:00 5K. My odds - uncertain after running a 30:10 in the humidity on a hard course a week ago, well off my course record for that course.

I started out fast, hoping to do 8:45. I was feeling tired and worried I just didn't have it, but at the same time I knew I was going fairly fast. I hit mile one at 8:15. I eased off a little in the second mile for fear I would burn myself out. I was at 17:31 at mile 2 so while I was slowing I started to believe if I could just hold on, I would have a shot. I was tired and panting, but I knew I was keeping a pace of 9:15 or so, and figured with a sprint at the end, I could do it. I noticed my heart rate was up above 180. I stepped it up some at the end, and glancing at my watch, knew I was home free. I didn't exactly sprint at the end, although I did step it up. I saw the finish ahead and saw I would easily come in under 28:00 so I just coasted in, finishing at 27:27. I was pretty tired and ten minutes later my heart rate was still at 130. I had a gatorade, two bananas, a bagel, and a granola bar. I coughed a bit, but did not puke. What a difference a week made with a flat course and nice weather.

Here are my stats.

Mile 1: 8:13 HR 162-173 spm 79-83
Mile 2: 9:18 HR - 174-178 spm 75-79
Mile 3: 9:16 HR - 178-182 spm 75-77
Mile 3.1 40 seconds (7:45 pace) HR 180-182 spm 79-82

Final time 27:27 (8:51 pace) Average HR - 172 Max - 182 Average cadence 76

I am really loving my Garmin now that I know how it works. I just discovered the cadence meter. The watch had the course perfect at 3.1 miles.


I don't think I'll run the Hartford 5K next week now that I set my PR.
