Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Solistice 5K Race Report

I decided to run the 5K race this evening at the Reservoir after much debate. I haven't been running to fast or too much in the last couple weeks and I was afraid I wouldn't break 30:00, but then I thought screw it, I should just race and set a mark I can beat later.

It was a cool night, with some drizzle so the pavement in places was a little wet.

I ran the first mile in 9:47, which was too slow for a good time. I was hoping for maybe 9:00 minutes. The second mile is rough, but I managed to run that in 9:58. Then I stepped up the pace some on the last mile and when I got within sight of the finish I was surprised I was able to easily sprint in for a finishing time of 29:28, which was 16 seconds better than my last year's time, but slower than my 5K PR of 28:57. So I ran the last 1.1 mile at a 8:57 pace, which is pretty fast for me.

I think I just have to learn to run faster and suck it in.

The race does give me hope for beating my PR sometime this year.

I came in 109 out of 153.

Race Results