Did 2:34: right but that included some hopping.
Several trys later i did a 2:08 without hopping.
2:25 Left without hopping
Also did 25 pushups pretty easy.
My log of becoming a "triathlete" at age 48, and continuing through age 55.
Did 2:34: right but that included some hopping.
Got up at 5 and went to the gym. It's not that hard, I just go to sleep in my gymn clothes. I have been thinking about running down to the gymn (2 miles) working out and running/walking back, but I am always glad I don't. These workouts are good for me, I could not push myself this hard by myself. I was okay today, but tonight my legs are sore.
Did Playground Extreme this morning. Here was the layout
I have decided to work on my balance. As a test I stood on each leg as long as I could. Here are the results:
Got up early to run the Malibu 5 K with Chevaughn. It was only 15 minutes away in Farmington, but the race started at 6:45. It was cold -- 30 degrees. I wore shorts, but also had a Underarmour shirt and my ClamMan Hoodie. Still I never quite warmed up. The race was relatively flat. I ran without a watch and never really pressed myself. My IT band on the left leg acted up a little, but not enough to affect my stride. I finished in 28:57, which I was fine with. I didn't feel like suffering. Overall, it was a much nicer and far more convinient race than Manchester.
Got up at 5:00 to get to the gym at 5:30. I did not want to go. Hopefully, if I can make it a habit, plus clean out the garage enough to have the car in it in the morning so i won't have to scrape ice in the winter, it will be easier. This was the last of my three free sessions. It is a hard workout. I didn't use heavier than a 15 pound dumbell, but it wears you down still. It is a full body weight-lifting, balance, stretching routine without too much rest. There were a lot of people there this morning. I know that I need to take these classes because I don't push myself in my individual workouts like I am pushed here.
So I did the extreme Playground class this morning. It was fun, but tiring. They had the following stations.
Took a one hour Integrative Strength Class tonight in West Hartford at the location of the old gym I used to go to. It was a combination of weights, blance work and stretching at a fast pace. Lots of squats and lunges with weights and pushups. When it got to the pushup part, I could barely do forty seconds of them after doing sixty plus pushups last winter. At the end the instructor told me what I already knew, i am very stiff and have muscle imbalances, and he didn't tell me this, but I have a weak core. He said there was hope for me. Thanks.
Swam for 25 minutes. Did some 50 yard sprint's. Slow. Best time With water level start was 52 seconds. I did one dive start and that was 47 seconds. I thought I was going to fall off the starting block.
Ran 2.4 Miles this morning. My IT band hurt. I had to stop for ten paces at one point, thenran the rest of the way. I need to stretch more.
Rode 10 minutes on the bike, then lifted two sets of 15 on the following: