Swam in the Connecticut Master's Games.
Here are my times and races:
50 Free
I had my best time yet - 29.57 This despite starting to fall before the gun, and having to hold back so getting a late start. I came in third in my age group, but think I could have won with a better start. I felt like a swam well. My turn was a little slow
Master's Games Results
50 Breast
I did this event as a lark because of the way the meet was scheduled. I came in in a blazing 41:24 and won, beating the only other guy in my age group to win the gold. This despite when i dove in my goggles immediately filled with water, leaving my blind. This affected me in two ways. I couldn't time my stroke into the wall for the turn, and then on the way back, I brushed against the lane ropes. I was pleased despite this. I think i have lots of room to improve.
100 IM
I beat my old time by 2 seconds with a 1:23:49. (39:78-43:71). No issues with the goggles this time. The butterfly went well. I didn't tire myself out. I feel I am a little slow in the backstroke. My breaststroke was okay, but not as fast as my 50, then I turned it on in the free to nip the other guy in my age group. I ended up with the gold, beating two others.
100 Free
I swam as hard as I could, but I had no gas. I was worried about this before the meet, and I swam too hard with too little breaths out of the gate. I finished 4th, almost three seconds slower than what I did at Harvard. 1:10:92. (34:01-36:91)