Saturday, February 04, 2012


Did the Saturday 7:30 Spin at Fitness Continum. Great class! We did intervals starting with three minutes of flat three minutes of hill, four minutes recovery, then two and two, 90 seconds and 90 seconds, 60 and 60 and 30 and 30, really pushing the interval times. My heart rate was up in the 150's. I hit a max watt of 609. I covered 17 miles during the class. The flats we had to push as hard as we could at 90-100, the hills push as hard as we could at 60-70. My ribs didn't bother me hardly at all. I am feeling better, but every now and then I get a sudden pain that almost brings me to my knees. I may just be learning to move the right way. Coughing still hurts.