Monday, December 13, 2010

Crossfit Workouts

Did my first cross fit day.

At work I decided to try the crossfit endurance workout of the day with some modification due to equipment.

The plan do 7 sets of 10 reps of the following

10 pushups
10 kettleball swings
10 squats with 20 pound kettleball
10 stepups with box jumps at end

I got through 3 sets, then forunately got a call as I was doing girl pushups by the third round. I did one jump up in the first round, two in the second and three in the third.

In the evening I did my crossfit endurance run

10 minute walkrun/warmup

Then I set the treadmill at an 8.0 incline and set the speed at 7.6 which is sub 8 minute mile and then ran hard as i could for thirty seconds.

Then lower the speed and inclind back to normal for tw minutes of jogging, and then crank it back up for another thirty seconds.

I did this five times.

i was drenched with sweat when it was over.

Did a five minute cool down.

A great workout.