Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Saw the doctor yesterday. The diagnosis: IT band and popliteal tendon are rubbing together causing pain and inflammation.

The treatment: Six weeks of physical therapy for stretching the IT band, strengthening the hamstrings and quadriceps and looking at the bio-mechanics of my running. I was also given the anti-inflammatory Naproxen to take twice a day.

The x-rays of my knees show my bones are in good shape and there is plenty of spacing between the knees, so no cartilage or ligament problems.

They figured out the problem by moving my legs around and then doing an ultrasound on my knee while they manipulated. When I felt pain, they could see the muscles rubbing against each other.

They told me I was free to exercise as tolerated.

Next appointment is in February. Hopefully I will be running before then.