Friday, December 25, 2009


Applied heat pad to leg, then stretched, then rode bike for 15 minutes, then stretrched, then walked and then did a 1/3 mile run with no pain or discomfort, walked home, rode bike for 10 minutes, then stretched. Leg ffels normal.

Also, I ran in my brand new running shoes, which felt like platform shoes, which I guess shows how much mine have been crushed and broken down.

Also, also, I ran with an IT band strap I bought at the running store yesterday for $15.

Getting better at getting in and out of the pedals, but am no where near road ready.

I definately feel more strength when clipped in, and I can also see how spinning can be a good workout. I am going to try to really work on the biking in the weeks ahead,

My cold is as usual lingering with lots of phlegm in my cough, but no real tiredness, no fever.

Merry Christmas!