Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Last night eating ice cream and brownies before bed, I thought I really need to do something about this nutrition. My weight is good, but I feel I am just a little out of control on what I am eating or not eating. It is not unusual to go a day without any greens particuarly when I am working.

My solution -- go back to a food diary and a small growing set of rules.

Rule Number 1. Have the following for breakfast everyday: a banana, oatmeal, and peanut butter on ryecrisp or wheat crackers.

Rule Number 2. Have at least one salad every day

Rule Number 3. No potato chips or doughnuts

Rule number 4. Have one protein shake every day

Rule number 5. No Burger King fries except when traveling

Rule number 6. Limit portion size of ice cream, and only permit after excercise

These are all doable.


Breakfast: Diet Coke, cashew/macademia butter on rye crisp
Breakfast #2: oatmeal and banana
Lunch #1: Bean Burrito
Lunch #2: Can of Tuna, small serving popcorn
Snack# 1: Small piece of Crumb Apple Pie
Dinner #1 Three slices of pepperoni pizza

Not a good start.