Monday, November 05, 2007


Went to the gym at 4:30, which wasn't hard because my body is still used to the old time so it was like going at 5:30.

I have decided to try to follow this book Weight-training for Triathletes, and so for the next four weeks, I should be doing endurance lifting. Today was upper body.

I did a five minute warmup, then 3 sets of 20 of the following:

dumbell bench press, lat pull down, dumbell upright row, shoulder press, curl, tricept pushdown.

Then I did 1 set of 20 on lower back machine, leg lift, ab twist, ab crunch

Then a 3 minute cool down and short stretch.

I'll do lower body later this week.

After four weeks of endurance, I'll switch to four weeks of power lifting.


Weight 225



Workout - Protein Shake
Post workout -- rye crisp and peanut butter, kashi, diet coke