Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bike 13 Miles/13.9 MPH

I got fitted on my bike. The coach lowered the handlebars. I then did a 13 mile ride and averaged 13.9 mph which is a 1 mph improvement over the last time I timed myself. Beautiful day to be out.

I spent the rest of the daycleaning the house, rearranging furniture, etc, and thinking about going out for a run, but then I decided to just ease up on that on the off chance I might be close to getting hurt, so I thought I might swim, but in the end I decided to get some sausage, buns, and beer and just enjoy the evening. The truth is right now i would rather undertrain than overtrain. I'm going to race on Thursday and then on the 5th, so I want to be fit for both races. I'll probably bike at work tomorrow and maybe run afterwards or do a brick. Monday, I'll bike at work or after. Our class is going to meet to swim the lake. Tuesday and Wednesday will be rest days.


Sleep: 8 Hours
Weight: 223.2

Breakfast: Banana, triscuits and macademia butter, DC
Workout: Whey protein gatorade
Snack: cold lamb chops, potatoes, spinach
Lunch: cheese, berries, banana
Dinner: smoked oysters, cheese, two sausage burgers, baked chips, 2 7 oz beers