Tuesday, July 17, 2007

16 Mile Ride

Got in a 16 mile ride this evening before being interrupted by a call. It took me 1:16. I rode the first 12 miles in 55:30. My mph averaged 12.9 for much of the ride. I rode about 6 miles in the big front gear. That helped some with the speed. After I hit 12 miles, I took it a little easier, not that I was speeding in the first place. I tried counting my cadence and found it is a little over 60 which is low.


Interesting article in the New York Times about bike fitness.

The Bicycling Paradox that suggests that the heavier rider is not always at a disadvantage. There goes another of my convinient excuses.

"He came to realize, he said, that cycling is a lot more forgiving of body type and age than running. The best cyclists going up hills are those with the best weight-to-strength ratio, which generally means being thin and strong. But heavier cyclists go faster downhill. And being light does not help much on flat roads."

Another interesting article in the Boston Globe about triathletes swimming in Walden Pond.

Muscle Beach


Sleep: 6 Hours (woke up in middle of night)
Weight: 224

Breakfast: Almond Butter with wheat crackers, DC
Snack: banana bread, lamb steak, DC
Lunch: chicken, rice, mixed vegetables
Snack: spinach, grapes, gatorade
Snack; pretzels
Dinner: two slices pizza, pastrami, spinach, strawberries