Saturday, June 23, 2007


Did a 20 minute lift session at the gym before work -- only 20 minutes because that's all the time I had.

Smith Machine Squats 65 lbs X 12
Dumbbell Incline Bench 40 lbs X 12
Leg Extension "K" X 12
Lat Pulldown "H" X 12
Leg Curl G X 12
Dumbell Curl to Shoulder Press 20 X 12
Dumbell Upright Row 20 X 12
Back Extension P X 20
Leg Lift H X 12
Ab Twist H X 12
Dumbell Tri Extension 10 X 12

Definiately need to put more time in.
Weight on official scale after workout = 221

Later in the afternoon, feeling very tired. Weightlifting always seems to hit me like a truck. Maybe I need more protein and I need to eat something right after lifting. I was doing well when I'd have a pre and post workout shake. I must get back to that.

Sleep: 8 Hours
Weight: 224

Breakfast: Cashew Butter on Rye Crisp, Banana, Kashi, DC
Snack: Fried Green Plantain, Cheese, Prociuitto, DC
Lunch: Spinach Salad, Chicken Burrito, DC
Dinner: 3 Slices Pepperoni Pizza, Gatorade

(Okay so my diet hasn't been the greatest lately.)