Sunday, June 10, 2007


Rode twice at work, each time for about 25 minutes and went around 5-6 miles before being interrupted for a call. I am getting more comfortable on the bike and am slowly picking up some speed.


Morning Weight: 223
Sleep: 6.5 Hours (woke up in middle of night as well)

Breakfast: Banana, Wheat crackers with almond butter, Diet Coke
Later Breakfast: Yogurt with Nuts, Diet Coke

Nap at Work: 3 Hours!

Lunch: Leftover Akee and Saltfish with breadfruit
Afternoon Snack: Salad with chicken
Late afternoon snack: 2 slices of pepperoni pizza (I didn't but it, someone brought one in)

Late afternoon nap at work: Another 2 hours!

Dinner: Barbecued chicken breast, rice, green peas, gatorade